is a leading product sourcing from China . We offer procurement and product sourcing from suppliers in China and also provides an international logistic service (called Meship) China-to-Thailand and China-to-Laos.
* Variety of sourcing
Browse millions of products from websites in China. Copy product links from,,,, search and shop easily through
* No Language barrier
No need to speak or read Chinese, you can buy from Chinese suppliers. Me Asia team will coordinate with Chinese sellers and manage your orders and logistics.
* Fast Shipping
Our warehouse in China(Guangzhou) will collect and ship all parcels to Thailand and Laos within 3-7 days once we got them from suppliers.
* Languages supported supports 4 languages English, Chinese, Thai and Lao with their local currencies. More are coming..
Safe & Secure
All transactions are completely secured and your details remain absolutely confidential.